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Introductions to the APC Board of Directors 2022

After two difficult years when the APC network came closer than ever to face a global pandemic with a fresh digital presence, and which entailed that APC’s 30th anniversary celebrations be held online, the board was finally able to meet in person in Sitges, Spain, in June 2022.

Our board members shared insights with us about some of the most pressing issues they are facing in their respective contexts and local realities. There were some common threads of concerns, of course, like gender, community access and environmental sustainability, but in the videos below they emphasise how their particular contexts affect these issues such as the circular economy, digital misinformation, historical web memory, diversity challenges of last mile connectivity, etc. We are delighted to bring you these highlights from our distinguished board.

Read the full article here: https://www.apc.org/en/node/38207/


2 years, 6 months ago

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