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Intervozes campaign: Addressing the inequalities of internet access in rural and traditional communities in the Northeast of Brazil

In March 2021, Law N. 14,109 which regulates the Telecommunication Services Universalisation Fund (FUST) was enacted, after the overthrow, by the National Congress, of the vetoes of President Jair Bolsonaro.

Though regarded as a landmark, the enactment raised concerns from different sectors of society, such as the Instituto Telecom (an entity dedicated to research and studies on telecommunications), which issued a statement predicting the allocation of a significant part of FUST resources to big entrepreneurs in agribusiness and telecommunications, at the expense of public schools and less-favored populations.

Based on the data mapped by the Free Territories and Free Technologies project, which reinforces the urgency of connectivity policies to solve the inequalities of internet access in rural and traditional communities in the Northeast region of Brazil, With support of an APC research and campaign subgrant, Intervozes developed the strategic planning of a campaign, Tem Boi Na Linha (An Intruder is on the Line). The campaign asked: "Which internet do we want in communities?" and this video was part of this initiative.


2 years, 8 months ago

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access · brazil

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